Vocational and Technical Training

State Department for Vocational and Technical Training


The vision for the TVET sub-sector is to provide skilled and globally competitive employable human resource


To provide, promote and co-ordinate the training sector by assuring quality, inclusiveness and relevance for the enhancement of the national economy and global competitiveness.


To provide relevant and adequate skills and competencies in strategic disciplines by 2020 for spurring industrial and economic development in line with the aspirations of the Kenyan peoples

The main objective of TVET is to develop an effectively co-ordinated and harmonized TVET system that is capable of producing quality skilled human resource with the right attitudes and values required for growth and prosperity of the various sectors of the economy.

Specific objectives of TVET are to: –

  • Provide adequate and appropriate skilled Artisans, Craftsmen, Technicians and Technologists at all levels of the economy through practical training and work experience;
  • Transfer technology continuously through collaborative approach between TVET institutions and the relevant industries;
    Promote dignity and decency of labour, particularly manual work;
  • Provide increased training opportunities for the increasing school leavers and other trainees to increase employability;
    Provide continuous upgrading of skills and knowledge at the pace and ability of the trainees;
  • Provide a dynamic curriculum responsive to the manpower needs of a dynamic economy;Impart marketable skills, technical know-how and attitudes that respond to contemporary labour market demands by the industry, informal sector and for self-employment;
    The specific functions of the Directorate are:

    • Promotion of standards for technical education
    • Practical/industrial attachment and internship
    • Facilitation of curriculum development
    • Assurance of quality of curriculum implementation
    • Registration of TIVET institutions
    • Coordination of technical and business examinations
    • Assessments of Institutional facilities and capacity for TVET.


  1. Technical and Vocational education Policy Development and Management
  2. Technical Vocational education Training
  3. Management of Institutes of Science and Technology
  4. Management of National Polytechnics
  5. Management of Educational Training Institutes (TVETs)
  6. Management of Technical Training Institutes
  7. Youth Polytechnic and Management of Vocational Training
  8. Apprenticeship and Training Management of Vocational Training
Ministry of Education
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