Hon. Hassan Noor Hassan, EBS

Hon. Hassan Noor Hassan is Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Education, he has responsibility over the State Departments for Vocational and Technical Training and Post Training and Skills Development.

Prior to this appointment he was Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Sports Culture and Heritage. Hon. Hassan has an illustrious career of over 35 years of Public Service and Governance experience. With his firm hands-on and results-oriented transformative leader practising professionalism, team work and team spirit he brings wealth of experience that will shape TVET sector.

His professional and academic career is associated with patriotism, having worked in the Provincial Administration in the coordination of Government programs in various places across the country. He has previously worked as Director of Administration, Ministry of Devolution and Planning, Chief Coordinator and Head of Secretariat, Mau Forest Secretariat, Office of the Prime Minister, Director of Administration, Ministry of Local Government, Provincial Commissioner: Western, Nyanza, and Rift Valley provinces. Office of the President, Provincial Administration and Internal Security, District Commissioner – Kiambu, Kakamega, Lugari, Gucha and as District Officer in Lamu, Nairobi, Kericho, Nakuru, Uasin Gishu, Meru and Embu.

He holds a Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Studies from Washington International University, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration from The University of Nairobi and an alumni of Kwale High School.

Ministry of Education
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