Directorate of Policy, Partnerships and East African Community Affairs
Functions of the Directorate
The functions of the Directorate include:-
- Development of policies and strategies and coordinate their implementation to achieve quality education training and research.
- Collaboration with stakeholders and other partners in Education
- Ensuring adherence to international conventions and commitments.
- Monitoring and evaluating policies and programmes in the State Department of Education.
- Initiation reforms in Education for improved service delivery in the sector.
- Coordination of sectoral matters related to the East African Community Affairs.
- Liaising with other countries through Ministry of Foreign Affairs on preparation of memoranda of understanding on cooperation.
- Coordination of inter-ministerial issues related to the education sector.
- Development, implementation and review of the communication strategy for the Ministry.
- Coordinating the evaluation of instructional materials
- Coordination of Governance, Accountability and Risk Management action plan
- Coordination of Public Private Partnerships.
- Coordination of education projects in the country.
Functional Organization
The Directorate of Policy, Partnership and East African Community Affairs has four main Departments:-
National Education Program (NEP)
- Coordination of National Investment Programmes
- Provide Secretariat to the National Education Programmes
- Liaising with Development Partners, stakeholders and private education providers.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Investment areas
- Coordinating surveys, studies and other consultancies
- Coordinating Education For All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) activities
- Coordination of Environmental Education
- Coordinate mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues such as HIV and AIDS, Gender in Education, Peace Education, disability mainstreaming, environmental education and Early Grade Reading
Policy and Programs
- Coordination of Policy development and evaluation
- Mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS activities in educational institutions
- Coordination of Peace Education
- Mainstreaming of Gender in Education activities
- Coordination of Communication Strategy and management of Ministry’s Resource Centre
- Evaluation of Curriculum Support Materials
Evaluation of curriculum instructional materials
- Coordination of publishers
- Field monitoring of curriculum materials
- Training of Evaluators
- Conducting independent review of curriculum materials
- Coordination of East African Community Activities
Coordination of the Productive and Social Sectors activities
- Participation in the sectors High Level Task Force on East African Common Market
- Participation in the Judicial and Legal Sectors
- Harmonization of the curriculum and Education Systems
- Participation in the preparation for East African Community Summits
- Participation in the preparation of Finance and Administration Sectoral Council.