Office of Career Services Programme

Office of Career Services Programme

The State Department for Post Training and Skills Development requires all tertiary educational institutions to establish Office of Career Services. The range of services offered under the Office of Career Services have been broadened to include career orientation, career counselling, work based learning programmes, incubation and innovation programmes, tracer studies, labour market information provision and creation of education/industry linkages. The goal of the OCS is to establish high-quality career development programmes in order produce graduates that are employable and productive and thus bridge the skills mismatch. The number of Office of Career Services established by tertiary educational institutions is illustrated in table 1.

Table 1: Number of Office of Career Services in Tertiary Educational Institutions

Institution No. of institutions No. of institutions with OCS % of institutions with OCS
1. Universities 74 20 27


2. National Polytechnics 11 7 64
3. Technical Training Institutes 1004 19 2
4. Technical Vocational Centres 917 9 1
Total 2006 55 3
Ministry of Education
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