Kenya Primary Education Development Project
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has approved a grant of USD 88.4 million to the Ministry of Education Science and Technology for the Kenya Primary Education Development project. The project covers the following four components:
Component 1: Improving early grade mathematics competencies
Component II: Strengthening Primary school management systems
Component III: Evidence based policy development
Component IV: Project management.
The project is expected to run from year 2015 – 2018. The World Bank is the Supervising Entity.
Project Beneficiaries
The project beneficiaries include:
- 6 million pupils in grade 1 and 2 will benefit from improved early grade mathematics Textbooks
- 40,000 teachers will benefit from new methodologies of early grade mathematics instruction through improved in-service training and regular pedagogical supervision and support
- 3 million pupils in participating schools will benefit from more effective and present teachers as well as improved teaching-learning inputs
- Head teachers and BoMs will receive guidance and support in school improvement planning and be empowered to implement plans to improve their school performance
- Parents and Communities whose aspirations will be met through greater information and enhanced voice in school management for improving quality of education
- Education system administrators will benefit from improved information and accountability through up to date Education Management Information System (EMIS) data and school audit
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on TPAD
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on Curriculum and Instruction
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on School Management and Accountability
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on Financial Management
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on School Environment and Pupils’ Welfare
VIDEO: The School Improvement Programme (Kenya) Documentary on School Specific KCPE Analysis
VIDEO: Documentary on School Improvement Programme (Kenya)
VIDEO: School Improvement Project(SIP)
VIDEO: Sensitization of Kisumu and Siaya Education Stakeholders
VIDEO: Director of DPCAD during RCEs,CDE and CPSs during a Workshop
VIDEO:How Early Grade mathematics has benefited more that 6 Million Pupils