Kenya GPE COVID 19 Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project

Kenya GPE COVID 19 Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project


The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has allocated the Government of Kenya (GoK) US$11 million, including a grant agent supervision fee of US$200,000, from the GPE COVID-19 accelerated funding window designed to capacitate governments to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on their education systems and help recovery. The funds were to support the Ministry of Education, State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education to implement the Kenya GPE COVID-19 Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project.

Project Development Objective

PDO Statement: To enhance access to online and distance learning for all students in primary and secondary schools and facilitate a smooth transition in the return to school for targeted vulnerable students.

The Project covers the following three components:

Component 1:Expanding existing remote learning opportunities for learning continuity for all students in basic education.

Component 2:Facilitate smooth transition back to school for vulnerable students and girls when schools reopen.

Component 3:Project Coordination, Communication, and Monitoring and Evaluation.

The project is expected to run from 20th July, 2020 to 31st December 2021.

The World Bank is the Supervising Entity.

Project Beneficiaries

The Project will directly benefit the following:

about 60 percent of primary and secondary school students accessing online and distance learning;
about 1.75 million learners from the school meals program;
an estimated 150,000 headteachers, teachers and curriculum support officers who will benefit from teacher training in online and distance learning;
students will benefit from the online based psychosocial support services; and
parents and care takers will be reached with remote learning tips.

Newsletter for Kenya GPE COVID-19 Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project

Ministry of Education
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